Past Future Continuous Tense


A. Formula (Rumus)
S + would/should + be + V-ing + C
·         They would be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday.

S + would/should + not + be + V-ing + C
·         They would not be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday.

would/should + S +  be + V-ing + C + ?
·         would they be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday?

S + would/should + be + being +  C
·         They would be being sad if you came at five yesterday.

S + would/should + not + be + being + C
·         They would not be being sad if you came at five yesterday.

would/should + S + be +  being + C + ?
·          Would they  be being sad if you came at five yesterday?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Past Future Continuous Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan atau menceritakan peristiwa, perbuatan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan sedang terjadi.
Contoh :
·         I would be working at time nine o’clock yesterday.
Saya akan sedang bekerja pada pukul sembilan kemarin

Ø  Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu dugaan atau perkiraan yang sedang berlangsung pada suatu waktu di masa lampau. Bentuk tenses ini menjadi anak kalimat dari induk kalimat yang berbentuk Simple Past Tense.
Contoh :
·         I thought he would be coming by to my aunt’s house yesterday.
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