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Future Perfect Continuous Tense

20.29 Add Comment

A. Formula (Rumus)
(+)   S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing + C
·         He will have been moving to his new house by the end of this month.

(-)   S + will/shall + not +have + been + V-ing + C
·         He will not have been moving to his new house by the end of this month.

(?)   Will/shall + S+ have + been + V-ing + C + ?
·         Will he have been moving to his new house by the end of this month?

(+)    S + will/shall + have + been  + being +  C
·         She will have been being happy by the time you came home.

(-)   S + will/shall + not + have + been  + being + C
·         She will not have been being happy by the time you came home l.

(?)   Will/shall + S + have + been  + being + C + ?
·         Will she have been being happy by the time you came home?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa, tindakan atau perbuatan yang akan telah berlangsung beberapa saat pada waktu tertentu pada masa mendatang. Biasanya, pola ini diikuti oleh kata by the time, by next year, by next hour, by tomorrow, dan sebagainya yang diawali oleh by.
Contoh :
·         I shall have been waiting for her for two years by next year.

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

20.07 Add Comment

A. Formula (Rumus)
(+)   S + would/should + have + been + V-ing + C
·         They would have been reading the novel by the end of last week.

(-)   S + would/should + not +have + been + V-ing + C
·         They would not have been reading the novel by the end of last week.

(?)   would/should + S+ have + been + V-ing + C + ?
·         Would they have been reading the novel by the end of last week?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan sudah berlangsung di masa lampau dan peristiwa atau kejadian tersebut masih berlangsung pada waktu itu.
Contoh :
·         We would have been walking for an hour by the time we got an intermission,

Past Future Perfect Tense

19.53 Add Comment

A. Formula (Rumus)
(+)   S + would/should + have + V3 + C
·         My father would have moved to his new house by the end of last month.

(-)   S + would/should + not + have + V3 + C
·         My father would not have moved to his new house by the end of last month.

(?)   would/should + S + have + V3 + C + ?
·         Would my father have moved to his new house by the end of last month?

(+)    S + would/should + have + been +  C
·         She would have been in the hospital by the end last night.

(-)   S + would/should + not +  have + been + C
·         She would not have been in the hospital by the end last night.

(?)   would/should + S + have + been + C + ?
·         Would she have been in the hospital by the end last night?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Past Future Perfect Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, tindakan atau peristiwa yang akan telah dilakukan pada waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.
Contoh :
·         They would have finished studying by the time I arrived.
Mereka akan telah selesai belajar sewaktu saya tiba.

Ø  Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, tindakan atau peristiwa yang akan telah terjadi atau yang akan telah dilakukan sebelum atau ketika terjadi peristiwa lainnya pada waktu yang akan datang pada masa lampau.
Contoh :
·         He would have had his driving license by the time he was eightteen years old.

Past Future Continuous Tense

19.38 Add Comment

A. Formula (Rumus)
S + would/should + be + V-ing + C
·         They would be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday.

S + would/should + not + be + V-ing + C
·         They would not be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday.

would/should + S +  be + V-ing + C + ?
·         would they be playing soccer if you came on time yesterday?

S + would/should + be + being +  C
·         They would be being sad if you came at five yesterday.

S + would/should + not + be + being + C
·         They would not be being sad if you came at five yesterday.

would/should + S + be +  being + C + ?
·          Would they  be being sad if you came at five yesterday?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Past Future Continuous Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan atau menceritakan peristiwa, perbuatan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang akan sedang terjadi.
Contoh :
·         I would be working at time nine o’clock yesterday.
Saya akan sedang bekerja pada pukul sembilan kemarin

Ø  Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu dugaan atau perkiraan yang sedang berlangsung pada suatu waktu di masa lampau. Bentuk tenses ini menjadi anak kalimat dari induk kalimat yang berbentuk Simple Past Tense.
Contoh :
·         I thought he would be coming by to my aunt’s house yesterday.

Past Future Tense

19.26 Add Comment

A. Formula (Rumus)
(+)   S + would/should + V1 + C
·         They would call you last night, but their telephone was broken.

(-)   S would/should + not + V1 + C
·         They would not call you last night.

(?)   would/should + S + V1 + C + ?
·         Would their call you last night, ?

(+)    S + would/should + be + C
·         He would be .happy if you came yesterday.

(-)   S + would/should + not + be + C
·         He would  not be .happy if you came yesterday.

(?)   would/should + S + be + C + ?
·         would he be .happy if you came yesterday?

B. Penggunaan
Ø  Past Future Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan terjadi pada masa lampau.
Contoh :
·         My mother should go to work when the phone rang.
Ibu saya akan pergi bekerja ketika telepon berdering.

Ø  Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada masa lampau, tetapi tidak jadi dilakukan atau tidak terjadi.
Contoh :
·         I would come last night, but it rained hard.

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